Video Testimonial by Dr. Karen Kan
I become a bigger “Money Magnet” than ever before
“Jenny is definitely a person you want to work with… She has helped me become definitely a bigger “money magnet” than I’ve ever become before. Jenny is a beacon of divine light with high love, high truth, and high integrity. Jenny really shines because she is so kind, so loving, so compassionate, you just feel completely enveloped in love when you work with her. I know I do, so I highly recommend that you take this opportunity to work with Jenny very closely. You won’t regret it.”
Video Testimonial by Dr Kelly Schuh
Clear energy blocks that we don’t even realize that we have
“I feel so blessed to have met Jenny and to work with her in her quantum healing for business entrepreneurs. Through her work, we were able to clear limiting beliefs around what was possible.
There was a lot of healing that happened and she is just so gifted. Her presence, her softness, and her ability to channel this gift and to really clear energy blocks that we don’t even realize that we have. And once those energy blocks are cleared, you know the path becomes clearer and there’s more grace and there’s more flow. So if you’re thinking about working with Jenny, I highly recommend her. She is absolutely amazing.”
Video Testimonial by Demetria Manuselis
Jenny has been absolutely critical to help me navigate the ups and downs of becoming an entrepreneur
“Having somebody like Jenny has been absolutely critical to help me navigate the ups and downs of becoming an entrepreneur…What really made Jenny stand out for me is that not only does she give very intelligent strategies for helping you move your business forward…we do have some blocks as entrepreneurs…
What was amazing is that exponentially more than any kind of mindset, she was actually helping me heal these blocks…I highly recommend if you’re an entrepreneur and you want somebody to not only help you with getting your messages out…define who the people that you are here to serve, but also assist you to clear anything that might be standing in the way…”
“There are so many fans at FHTJ absolutely adore Jenny. Her healing abilities, her clearing work are absolutely legendary. She is one of the most accomplished, most powerful Lightworkers that I have personally ever witnessed… So no matter where your blocks are, love and money are very connected. If the block is the money department, this is the healer that can truly help you in that department as well.”
“I found Jenny Ngo’s energy work to be very powerful. I love her open, honest, authentic nature. She works as very clear channel to bring her GOD Team into work with your GOD Team, without any egoic intellect getting in the way. With this technique she was able to facilitate very profound clearings from my energetic fields to help me release the resistance I was feeling towards taking my work to the next level. She also offers sound practice advice from her Heart, and has helped me naturally attract more clients and develop and sell more products so I can feel on purpose. Thank you Jenny, Big Love.”
“Jenny is the real deal! As she started working on the issue I could sense shifts happening around as if a veil being removed to let the treasure out. I’m impressed with her in depth knowledge and explanation about her process. That’s really amazing!!!!”
Clearing blocks & releasing patterns no longer serve me and my business
“I worked with Jenny to clearing all the resistant and barriers that block my receiving channel. I feel safe in asking for my needs to be met…I was able to release the fears of asking. When I was a child, my mom often beating me for asking for what I want without explaining why. I was terrified of that punishment, so I decided to take care of myself, not to ask for help. This pattern no longer serve me because as my business grows I need help and support. I am open to receive from all aspects of myself. Thanks Jenny for your support.”
Jenny has a remarkable gift of healing that allows her to clear and transform layers negative energy which blocks health and wholeness.
“Jenny has a remarkable gift of healing that allows her to clear and transform layers negative energy which blocks health and wholeness. Jenny is very dedicated to working with each person or groups of people in a way that brings about balance on all levels–body, mind, and spirit and in all areas of one’s life. The integrity of what Jenny does is amazing.”

Video Testimonial by Lilia Solorzano, Mexico
Thanks for your business guidance. I live on purpose…more money and more customers!
“Thank you for the so much needed business guidance you’ve given me. I feel now I live on purpose. I love your healing programs. Always when listen to your light language money come double or triple in my account. I sell a lot after your last week healing!!! Looking forward to listen today!!! We got customer deposited [2000 pesos] in advance for photography service completely out of the blue!!!!!! And also today manifest 2 extra customers out of the blue. When my partner and I watch your video on healing your money relationship—and just recently we were able to develop the singing gift of Light Language just like you. Jenny your work always is amazing!!!!! Thank you for your healing gifts, so grateful. You are an angel for my family.”
Free my Inner Child. Courage to step through my fears and resistance.
“Jenny, I would like to share with you the breakthroughs I had your Coaching & Healing Intensive… I learned to be in the Heart’s space, in the body, and let go of my own resistance. I was able to worked through limiting beliefs and deep traumas growing up and even past lives. I’m now more confident, able to trust my intuition/guidance. I received clarity around what I really want to do. I got the courage to step through my fears and resistance of “being out there”, I started a facebook group to share with others and growing my tribe.
Jenny’s healing support and guidance, helped me work through my list of challenges. I realized I have the power to co-create and transform my life and helping others. And it starts with me and working through my gunks as Jenny would say.
On one of the coaching session, Jenny helped me free my inner child where she was hurt. And soon after this session, my little son was able to be not as clingy to me. It’s as if my son was just like my inner child, and when I healed that part of me, he’s also free to be who he is. This plus more has been an eye opener for me. I’ve been recommending Jenny’s coaching & healing intensive to my friends.“
WOW! My before and after transformation… priceless. Now…I feel abundant. Trust my intuition, my relationships with my husband & kids improved. Added $1,000 extra income and got 3% raise.
“Where I am now and where I was ~8 weeks ago, before Jenny’s Dare to Live Your Dream Coaching & Healing Intensive, is a huge night and day difference. I wanted to get be happy and really get unstuck from all that I was going through for the past several years. I’ve tried many healing work and programs, but there was this big gap from where I am to where I can be. I took the leap of faith to join.
Now I’m really, really happy, more positive than ever before and trusting life… everything is well. I don’t go into the fear “terrifying” & OMG mode especially around finances. Now, I don’t really worry about money and actually I feel abundant.
I trust my intuition/inner guidance, feeling confident and really good about myself! I’m no longer angry about my husband and my husband also changed as the result. He’s more calmer, appreciative and respecting me. My relationships with my children also improved—no arguments—they are being more appreciative and caring towards me. WOW, never imagined this could be possible for me—at this level.
And while in the program, I’ve added >$1000 extra income from picking up extra work opportunities. This is not including the 3% raise I had from my job, as the result of me feeling more deserving and worthy for an overdue raise. Jenny helped me worked through my past hurts, childhood traumas and limiting beliefs. I’ve also been able to implement what I’ve learned…I’ve gained such powerful self-healing skills—to live my life. I am SO GRATEFUL, I found Jenny’s program and took the leap of faith to join. My before and after transformation, as you can see is just priceless. That’s why I’m recommending Jenny’s program to my friends.”
Breakthroughs in my business and personal life!
“I had been feeling stuck for 3 years straight. Since taking Jenny’s amazing program, my personal relationships have improved, I have found true love, and have had breakthroughs in my personal and professional life which led me to take more constructive action than I had thought possible. I feel more in alignment with my purpose and my passions than ever before.
I was able to let go of a lot of stored emotional pain and past regrets, which allowed me to make shifts in areas of my life that I had previously felt too overwhelmed or helpless to confront. I was also able to reverse my emotional eating habits. I gained more clarity, experienced more trust in myself and felt more spiritually connected. I also found the courage to finally listen to my heart. I also feel much lighter in body and spirit! Many opportunities are opening up for me now… I continued to put myself into the world as an artist after having withdrawn from taking risks with my art for a long time.
If you are looking to change your life in any area, I highly recommend Jenny’s Program! Jenny is a source of bright light in a dark sea of uncertainty. She has healing abilities that are truly miraculous; thank you, Jenny!”
Strong foundation for creating my own business…feel really good about where I’m going!
“Thank you so much Jenny for the healing breakthroughs I got with your Coaching & Healing Intensive, especially in the areas of forgiving myself and others. It has given me such a strong foundation for creating my own business. I am now able to trust my inner knowing and feel really good about where I’m going! Opportunities to expand my movement teaching and coaching practices are opening up. I have gained courage to step outside of my comfort zone, explore new ideas, and tackle tasks that take me further towards my dream. As well, I’m able to be more productive, focused on the important things, and manage my time better. Thank you for helping me improve my sense of self-worth and for increasing my ability to receive support from Source.
Working through the “wounded self” healing has ultimately helped me heal any traumas regarding disempowerment. I’ve learned so much, and felt how peaceful and powerful it is when I am being fully present, in the body and have let go of resistance. This experience has helped me sense and guide my own clients to be in their bodies too, amplifying their awareness and healing through movement work. I’m so grateful to be able to now support others in this way as you have supported me in my transformations. Your coaching & healing program is worth every penny and I am so glad I took the leap of faith to join!”
Healing my past…allowed me to serve at a greater capacity.
“You are beyond a gifted healer and coach, but a fabulous mentor as well!!! I’m very grateful for the support and guidance in healing of my deep past hurts and traumas including many unspeakable traumas in past lives. Also, I feel more confident in speaking Light Language, channeling, and automatic writing, thanks to you!!! I am really trusting and I am letting go to come into alignment of Creator’s Perspective much easily now! Which allowed me to serve at a greater capacity. I’ve been recommending this coaching & healing programs to my friends.“
All the pieces of myself, scattered through time, came back to me. I felt whole and free and powerful. I trust my intuition.
“Jenny has helped me tremendously. I am a different person after Jenny’s Dare to Live Your Dream Coaching & Healing Intensive. I was unhappy and can’t wait to move forward in my life. Now, I’m able to experience more deep peace and trust my intuition. Jenny is so authentic and caring, and supported me and others to work through—the deep past hurts, pains, traumas and limiting beliefs.
In a coaching session, Jenny guided me through a wounded self healing…I was feeling not valued and being taken advantage of at work, and to our surprise…I went deep into a past life Egyptian time where I was the slave owner—really mistreating people and since had been punishing myself.
I felt as if all the pieces of myself, scattered in all these people through time, came back to me. I felt whole and free and powerful. Throughout the program, I’ve worked through many past hurts and traumas in my childhood and in my adulthood. Jenny’s amazing gift to support me through my gunk and align me to Creator’s perspective to deeply experience calm, peace and love—our true essence. I’m so grateful for all the transformations thus far, what else is possible for me!”
I’ve taken over 30 prescriptions medications and nothing made a dent in my healing process. I started to shift with your Coaching program.
“Jenny gave me the GPS roadmap to realign myself to Creator’s Perspective. I’m so grateful I took the leap of faith to work with Jenny in her “Dare to Live Your Dream” coaching & healing program. I experienced tremendous abuse and child neglect growing up, in addition to those in my marriage. I have chronic and massive physical symptoms and pains all over my body for at least 10 years. I had severe heart pounding, shortness of breath and my legs were edematous. At times, I literally have difficulty breathing and unable to walk, due to severe throat and chest constrictions, legs stiffness and pains. I’ve taken over 30 prescriptions medications and nothing made a dent in my healing process. I tried everything, doctors and medications couldn’t helped me and other healers were only able to temporarily help with my symptoms. I started to shift with your Coaching program. My problems are energetic.
The healing transformations I received working with Jenny is permanent, life altering and miraculous. Just priceless. Not only Jenny helped clear/heal the majority of the “gunk” I got to the root-causes but also helped me to be able to do this for myself and get results. She helped me learned to be present, in the body, let go of my own internal resistance to healing, forgive myself and others, embody my worth and self-love, and broke through my fears of being seen and heard. My trust in Jenny allowed me to be fearless in being seen. I am able to feel the unconditional love and presence of God. I feel liberated, connected, confident, my intuition is strengthened and amplified as if I got my own internal GPS. Jenny’s ability to help guide and support me in healing my deep traumas,pains, and its limiting beliefs, even those that I experienced in past lives are a true testament of what an amazing and immensely gifted coach and healer you are. Thank you to the moon and back. I highly recommend Jenny’s coaching & healing program. Jenny is caring, compassionate and gifted at what she does.
The training video modules…I could feel the healing energies, energetic adjustments and shifts. Her live coaching & healing sessions are one-of-a-kind awesome. No matter what I or others were going through, we feel better right away. I am able to greatly benefit from all the other’s participants clearing and healing in this small coaching group and others expressed the same. I also can continue this healing process that I learned from Jenny and use it wherever I am to help myself. I very much looked forward to all the coaching/healing sessions, because I feel amazing and receive so much…words can’t describe this, priceless.”
Real life changes can be observed…
“It has been a month and a half since I completed the “Dare to Live Your Dream” coaching program with Jenny Thao Ngo. I deliberately wanted to wait a while before writing a testimonial in order to avoid basing it purely on euphoric state that is often present right after transformational seminars, and more often than not dissipates with time.
Jenny is great at holding the group energy together, leading the calls and together with her magnanimous God Team clearing the deep-rooted gunk…Being in this presence of expansiveness and high vibration is a wonderful experience and I could feel how the negative emotions associated with whatever I was going through at the moment were dissipating right then and there. It is also worthy to note that Jenny made sure to address everyone’s issues, even if it went over the allotted time, and everyone was left in a much better state of mind at the end of the calls.
Real life changes can be observed…I continue to trust the process and work with my God Team, who Jenny helped me get in touch with, to further my personal development and improve the overall quality of my life.
One of my biggest goals of this program was to learn to trust my intuition and develop clearer communication with the divine and I am happy to report that the accuracy of my muscle testing improved and I started getting clearer intuitive guidance that I can trust.”

Transformational Abundance Package 
Transformational Abundance Package
Salary doubled from $50,000 after worked with Jenny.
“I met Jenny through my sister. One important factor about her I feel is important to share is that she helps me upgrade my point of reference regarding money earned. My whole life, $50,000 per year was my top salary. I worked with Jenny and NOW my salary doubled unexpectedly. I am so very grateful to her.”
Money is pouring in.
“Since purchase Jenny’s Abundance program, I got $10,000 unexpected backed payment from the government. Financially is so good now. I play bingo x 30 yrs, recently I won $750, $850, and then $1,400. I’m telling you I can’t lose. It’s been amazing. The money is pouring in. Every time I turn around, I’m getting money. I got another $1,000 sitting right here and I even haven’t take to the bank yet. I have not had any financial issues since. Where I was, compared where I am now, it’s like two different places. I am giving thanks! You are such an angel. I am so grateful for you Jenny!”
We made $12,000 today…biggest gain we ever made in one day.
“I have something awesome to tell you! My husband checked our portfolio as he usually do at the end of the market day and he told me we made $12,000 today. This is one of the biggest gain we ever made in one day. My list of issues are already being worked on prior to our 1 on 1 session. Thank you! Gratefully.”
35-40% Increase in Income.
“Thank you very much, Angel Jenny. The Higher Self Emergence video has been amazing. Our summer camp enrollment increased by 40% and our enrollment for the school year increased by 35%. The revenue from scholarship funding has increased by 50%. Most importantly my relationships, both personal and business are more bonded and joyful. Our Team members work harmoniously allowing me more time to get out and work “on” the business instead of “in” the business. The peace of mind I have received is above and beyond words. Thanks again, Jenny, for sharing this powerful tool.”
Over $100,000 profit! WOW!
“We were able to purchase a property that was appraised for $200,000 for $179,000. Because of abilities to remodel we can add $80,000 value to the property and it will be worth about $280,000. The best part of all, is that this will be a legacy of fun family times for many years to come for our family and that is priceless.” Thank you, Jenny and the Godteam!”
I got a high paying job. My life is shifting in harmonious way.
“Jenny many thanks to you for your healing energies and showing me the way to Abundance and True Happiness. Since joining your group less than a month ago, I got a high paying job and I my life is shifting in a very harmonious way…I am looking forward to your call. I AM A MONEY MAGNET….Much Love.”
Son got a job promotion and niece got 2 job offerings after searching for four months.
“After purchasing Jenny’s healing package and using the MP3s for my family. My son got a job promotion and my niece got two job offerings after searching for four months (one of which she really wanted) and both jobs were paying more than she asked. She was having a hard time deciding but she took the one she really wanted. Also, my children were upset at each other for almost a year and my son who was the angry one, decided to call his sister and now they are doing great and he’s much calmer. Woo-hoo! I love Jenny’s healing MP3s and would recommend the package to everyone.”
Aligns me with my inner Abundance and burst out with creativity.
“I’ve been loving the Money Magnet. It aligns me with my inner abundance and honest gifts, pointing inwards to where the treasures are. I feel I want to burst out with creativity, and it’s where money manifests from. So far I feel reaffirmed in my path of painting, feel like it’s something being born.”
Crystal clear of next steps and got the “WHY” for coaching business.
“The Abundance group healing call was awesome. My head is still tingling and I’m wide awake from the healing transmissions. I have been at my business ideas for a while, but now I feel very clear about how to go forward. Before, it felt like my many ideas were not quite congruent and wouldn’t be financially viable. I wasn’t sure if it was ok to launch a coaching practice around creativity to support my own work on my elephant book. But now I feel I am ready to share that reason with others. Why not help other people build their lives around their creativity as I lead by example? This group call helped me accept the real reason, the “why,” as in my driving force. Becoming crystal clear inside about this makes it possible to move forward with surety. That for me is huge and profound.“
Got the highest paying job I have had.
“Hi Jenny, Wow, I listened to your video post two days ago, and today, out of the blue a friend I had not seen in a year called me to offer me a very high paying job! Definitely the highest paying job I have had. I will start Tuesday! Thank you, because along with all the other work I have been doing to clear, I know that your videos and your money miracle manifestor have been a HUGE factor! ? Thank you!”
Huge improvement in my ability to receive on all levels.
“With your abundance MP3 I’ve noticed a huge improvement in my ability to receive, on all levels, acknowledgement, gifts, support in practical ways- big for me, money only as I’ve really needed.”
Growing abundance, getting a $6000 training for free.
“Wow, this MP3 is priceless! I use it for 5 month now, and it is really magical! I use it everyday. I use it, because it works. ? Improved relationships, growing abundance, getting a $6000 training for free, helping my family, loved ones to get better, the list is endless… I love Jenny’s work! It works, she gives us the tools to manage our life, and the best is that it works for everybody’s highest good, so I can be sure, that I am on the right path. Thank you Jenny sooo much!”
Money owed more than 1 year was paid back.
“I had two sessions with Jenny Ngo, and released a lot of grief during the sessions with the gentle help of Jenny. One month after the 1st session, at my great surprise, money owed by a person for more than 1 year was paid back. I listen to the personalized energetic prescription MP3 from the sessions on a daily basis. Thank you Jenny for your gifts and kindness.”
Financial worries no longer worries me
“I want to thank you so much for the MP3s and group healing call. I listened to the MP3s faithfully many times a day from the day I got them. I used them to clear not only myself, but my home, food, and water as well. I immediately started feeling at peace. Your call, I felt so much energy moving. I had been having a lot of muscle and nerve pain, along with digestive pain before starting to listen to your MP3s. It was completely healed by the end of your call. At one point I could literally feel something being ripped out of my left side, and it being filled in by loving source energy. I also had huge financial worries before the call, it no longer worries me. I know it will resolve itself when the time is right. My life is filled with so much peace and contentment now. Thank you again for all of your help.”
Better money flow in my life.
“I must say the Money Magnet MP3 has been really good for me. It makes me feel better with the flow in and out of money in my life. I no longer feel strained by the outflow and when it flows in, it so good. For me, this is relief because it does add to the “stress” in the background of my day. I usually am playing it at home and have the intention of receiving it at work. This keeps me positive at work with no strain working with my budget at work. This is a fantastic MP3. I think all who use it will feel good. The best part about the program is the writing out of all the issues. I found when I did that – I started having a better outlook on money and rich people and that money is meant to flow in and out. That is the richness of life happening. Thank you for allowing me to be the abundance beta-tester.”

Love-Intimacy-Relationships Package 
Love-Intimacy-Relationships Package
WOW! In just 2 months I got married!
“I had 1 session with Jenny. We worked on cutting all cords of attachment from past relationships, sexual, and emotional especially to my ex-girlfriend. About 2 months later I got married. Wow! This was quick.”
Within 2 weeks got engaged & married to a doctor!
“Jenny did some clearing of my heart walls and removing negative energies. As she was doing the clearing, I had major goose bumps, felt the energies releasing from me, and was in tears of gratitude came unexpectedly. After 2 weeks of meeting Jenny, I got engaged and the most interesting thing was, I was only dating for 4 months. I was not expecting for him to ask me at that point in our relationship. He is the best man for me and a Soul mate, and I never ever expected to have someone to really understood me in my life, considering this is my second marriage in my 50’s.
We got married ~4 months after. Before this, I was in acceptance of being alone for the rest of my life and only maybe dating. My husband turns out to be a doctor who is really passionate and caring in his field. I also had more clarity on the directions in my business…Jenny is very passionate and gifted in her healing work.“
I got married! Never had a relationship in the past.
“Hi Jenny! Since we started the work together almost a year ago, now I got married! Having never had a relationship in the past. Life has definitely been shifting in a different direction. And whenever I do anything now, your mp3s are usually playing in the background.”
I met a man who I want to spend the rest of my life with.
“Thank you, Jenny, for the Love-Intimacy-Relationship package. I’ve met a man who I want to spend the rest of my life with and thanks to you, I recognized that he’s the one. All my life I’ve wanted to meet an ideal life partner, but it took quite a while. I’m in my early 60’s, thankfully still youthful and so is he. I’ve never imagined that it’d turn out so nicely. I’m excited to see what else opens up in my life!!”
I met someone 3 weeks later & my relationship with my mother is much better.
“I had a session Jenny. Jenny cleared on my heart walls and I had millions of them. We also worked on my relationship with my mother. My mother told me the next day she never slept so well in her entire life and she has been sleeping extremely well since and my relationship with her is much much better. Also after the clearings of my heart walls I met someone 3 weeks later. We are…very happy with the way things are moving. I am happier and more at peace. I will work with Jenny any chance I can. She is loving, giving and truly amazing.”
My sister and I are best friends now after 20 yrs of no talking!
“My sister and I have not talk for over 20 yrs. Also growing up, I did not have a good relationship with my mom. Since Jenny helped me work through my forgiveness and responsibility levels, my sister called me immediately after the clearing. WOW, this is a miracle! We are like best friends now and even mother apologized to me for all these years. The harmony, peace, and love in my family has been restored. Never imagine this is possible…I’m in my 60s. Plus, now I don’t have 1 day that I go worrying about money or how I am going to pay my rent, even without a permanent job. I trust that I will be taken care of. Thank you so much Jenny!”
I meet a wonderful new partner after 1 month!
“Thank you so much Jenny for putting together this Love-Intimacy-Relationships package. I just love your healing work and the package MP3s, I used it everyday with my routines. I’m excited to tell you, about ~1mo after I got your love package, I’ve attracted a new partner, someone that is wonderful and “normal” for a change from all the past relationships. Also money and career opportunities are opening for me, to the level I never would have imagined possible before…“
WOW, this is amazing, a miracle! My relationship with my son improved!
“Before working with Jenny, my relationship with my son was very hard. He gets angry when I talk, so I hold back and don’t talk very much when around him. He is a teenager, lives with me, so this is hard for both of us. Since, our relationship has improved so much when he saw the changes in me and my businesses growth in number of clients coming in daily and before I was struggling to get clients, that he even want to buy one of Jenny’s package. WOW, this is amazing, a miracle!”
WOW! Got loving calls from all three of my sons. Complete lesson plans for whole week, slept like a baby.
“I listened to “Love Fuel Tank” throughout the remaining of day #1. I had an artistic / creative flow and idea to make a “Love Crystal Bracelet”. I prepared for myself an awesome stir fried Asian dish. I hadn’t cooked or prepared a homemade meal for myself in weeks! I was also able to complete my lesson plans for the whole week! And gave the dog that is still with me a much needed pampered spa treatment. I even received LOVING calls from all three of my sons! And I got the much needed rest I needed! I slept like a baby.”
I love me! I’m at peace in who I am.
“The love fuel tank has made me more loving towards myself. I’m learning to not judge myself harshly. I’m finding it easy to laugh at myself more than usual. I’m at peace in who I am and I love me! Thank you Jenny for this special MP3 I recommend to everyone because we all run short on love from time to time.”
Seen results within 15 minutes! Men noticed me! I have not felt excited and happy…in such a long time!
“I have seen results after playing this one for more than 15 minutes. Last weekend, I was walking to see a friend and out of the blue an older gentleman was crossing the road and greeted me. He fully started to engage in a conversation, gave me a compliment about my eyes and wanted to know if I was single, how long had I lived here, etc. He made me feel so wonderful. Jenny, I have not felt excited and happy to be noticed in such a long time! I am also treating myself with much more compassion, living more consciously, feeling much more present. This MP3 has to be one of my favorites to listen to really resonate with the music. Thank you!”

Entity Clearing & Healing Package 
Entity Clearing & Healing Package
Locked doors seem to have ‘magically’ opened!
“I am so deeply grateful to Jenny and her God Team for the profound journey… All the locked doors seem to have ‘magically’ opened! I felt the energy very tangibly and the more I gave myself to the process, the deeper the work went, touching and dissolving ancient blocks in all dimensions, feeling all the while held in a deep and sustaining love and acceptance. Her work really is powerful and life changing, deep and thorough, every angle of each issue was met with love and transformed, not just for me, but right back through my ancestry, and through all dimensions of myself. I feel so much clearer and lighter.
One aspect of the work I loved was the reprogramming of old inherited ancestral beliefs and programs, my perception has changed so profoundly in such a short period of time, and I’m seeing the positive changes mirrored back to me daily in the people I’m meeting and how they are responding to me and the new opportunities I’m being offered. I’m also seeing body changes, with new strength and tone coming into my muscles. I’m sleeping deeper and waking refreshed, in a way I haven’t experienced in years, I also seem to be absorbing and assimilating nutrients in a way I wasn’t able to before.
One of my gifts is tracking energy, and Jenny and her God Team miss nothing! Everything is healed back to its source. I can’t speak highly enough of her, she’s a phenomenal healer, her MP3s are so powerful and she and her God Team do the fastest, most effective entity clearing. Please don’t miss this opportunity to work with a truly excellent healer.”
Life improved 200% on all levels: mentally, spiritually and materially.
“Regarding Jenny’s quantum healing work, relating to heartwalls, entities, and negative energies. My life has improved 200% on all levels: mentally, spiritually and materially. Jenny’s powerful healing energies has helped me to get unstuck and move forward in leaps and bounds, through quantum shifts in my life. The healings have created true and real joy, love, gratitude, and abundance. Jenny’s loving healing work and infused MP3s are some of the most powerful and effective tools and modalities I have ever experienced and I have worked with many healers during the course of my life. If you want powerful and permanent work, Jenny is your Go-To healer. I highly recommend her!
I am happy to report a new Mercedes, new business opportunities, and people appearing daily to support my goals and vision bringing financial abundance and love…WOW! I am truly grateful to be in my quantum solvent of my true potential within me. With Jenny, I was able to move past personal issues to personal success unconditional love and prosperity. Yeah Jenny! Thank you so very much again!”
Family dynamics improved, over $12,000 savings, lost 45 lbs & have more energy.
“Amazing experiences with Jenny’s work. I was bitter, unhappy, unable to relax, unable to feel love, to feel support, didn’t have any energy, always tired and exhausted. After using Jenny’s MP3s…my way looking at life has completely changed for the better. I see now any situations as a learning opportunities. Now, I see Divine order everywhere. I have peace and my life flows easily. My family dynamics has improved! From her, I’ve learn… of heart-walls, trapped emotions, and not only to get rid but to avoid negative entities attachments.
The love connection to my Higher Self that used to make me feel abandoned and lonely, is now restored. I feel supported at all times. I experience every day many aha moments. My life is now enjoyable. My self-esteem and self love has grown to the point that I have lost 45 lbs. I have a lot of energy and I look great.
Now…financial situation, before working with jenny it was very stressful. NO matter how much or how hard we have we worked, it was always a struggle to meet the ends. Now our money situation has improved… We have added almost $12,000 a year. I feel abundant…the journey has amazing. I really wish a lot of you take the opportunity to improve your life in every aspect just like I did. Thank you!”
I have slept like a baby since using it!!!
“I was having a really bad time to sleep for the last days because of the lawsuit, I tried the “great night sleep”… and wowww it is amazing! I have slept like a baby since using it!!! I put the mp3 playing during the night in my nightstand and sleep like a baby, even my husband is feeling the effect. I tried one night to sleep without it and guess what… I woke up several times. You have my deepest gratitude for that wonderful transmission!”
I know he crossed over into peace.
“I lost my grandfather one year ago, and could feel his presence in my home even though I live 400 miles away from my home state. I wasn’t sure how to get him to cross over into peace. I used this mp3, and once it was finished I felt the air in my home lighten and such a state of peace washed over me. I know he crossed over into peace. How amazing is that!!!!”
Less than a second and the entity was gone.
“A few nights ago I was woken from a dream by the sound of scurrying footsteps in my bedroom. It was an entity and it was laughing at me. It had been trying to annoy me by waking me up. I called upon the beings who work through your Clearing and Shielding Negative Energies MP3 and asked for their help clearing the entity from my home. It literally took less than a second and the entity was gone. Very cool! Just thought you might like to know how much I am appreciating your MP3s :)”
My home foreclosure has been cancelled.
“Hello Jenny! No words to qualify the help you gave me. I tried pinching my skin to feel if it’s me and if the results I got was real. Thank you so much! The home foreclosure has been cancelled after a couples of days of our 1-1 session. Thank your Team very fervently for me also. They were very lovely and very much caring than usual. I had joyful tears when they were advising me.”
I have no fears, no anxiety. I see nothing.
“One month ago I was feeling really down and was in pain, wrist flaring up again. In just a few minutes it was gone. The pain has not come back since. I since also come to realized obedience and trust plays a very large part of our recovery. Ms. Jenny has helped me to realize that I can and will overcome and have overcome.
Now, I have no fears, no anxiety. I see nothing. I am getting a good night sleep. I was seeing real people in me day and night. I used to believe that I was crazy so did the doctors and family. Since Jennie healing work these things have vanished. I feel so much better in my body, soul, and mind.”
Disintegrate negatives energies and entities from an individual’s auric and energy field is superb.
“It has been an honor to participate in the healing journey and growth of Jenny Ngo. Her ability to see and then disintegrate negatives energies and entities from an individual’s auric and energy field is superb. Her dedication to this unique field of study has become a beacon to the many lives she touches.
I am happy to say her work with me was substantial and quite satisfying. I heartily recommend Jenny in the scope of healer and appreciate the added use of the energies of her MP3 tool.”
This MP3 really worked!!!
“I was enjoying myself at the skate park until a bunch of guys showed up that I didn’t know. The energy in the park suddenly became heavy and uncomfortable. It felt like there were entities accompanying them. So I played the Psychic Attack Emergency MP3 from Jenny and within 2 minutes, the energy shifted completely and became light and fun. I enjoyed the rest of my time there and was completely comfortable. I was quite surprised! This MP3 really worked!!!”
Nothing short of magical and miraculous!
“The healing work that Jenny Ngo does is nothing short of magical and miraculous. I feel an instant release and empowerment in the core of my being. I know the MP3 downloads have strengthen my immune system and has contributed to my overall well being.
I also had an incident where I plugged my phone charger into the wall and a ball of fire came out. I could feel the heat and electricity coming out. Afterwards I felt my body was humming and my back started to ache. I did not want to go to the emergency room and decided to play the Healing download. 20 minutes later the humming in my body had stopped and the back pain was gone and did not return. I was told later by our electrician that it was a miracle that I was not injured or receive severe burns. I am grateful to God, Jenny, the downloads and my Angels. Thanks again, Jenny, for sharing these powerful and resourceful downloads. They have been tremendous in offering support to me, my family, my colleagues and those I serve.”
A big difference in my energy level in ALL aspects of my life.
“This works! I play this MP3 first thing in the morning and it gets me going and sustains my energy all day. I played this daily for a full week and it worked! Noticed a big difference in my energy level in ALL aspects of my life. Very interesting as I played it soundless for the whole family without their knowledge and we all seemed to be able to do more and complain less of being tired.”
I did need to balance my chakras. Ten minutes later, I feel better.
“I woke up tired this morning because it was so hot at night and thought I’d benefit from the chakra mp3. So I muscle tested and I did need to balance my chakras. Ten minutes later, I feel better and my finger holds strong. Very efficient! Thank you. I like your mp3s. They don’t require concentration and they don’t make me sleepy.”